Moments of Grace

Moments of Grace

Therapists and counselors are trained to collect clients’ life histories as a means of uncovering events that may contribute to negative symptoms like depression, anxiety, phobia, etc. This experience feels like detective work, seeing the client as victim…of...
It Can Be Too Late

It Can Be Too Late

Among our joys when capturing life stories from people across a wide age spectrum has been the opportunity to listen to elders in their 80’s and 90’s sharing the well-remembered trajectories of their lives. Sometimes people in later life remember more...
Why Would Anyone Care About My Life Story?

Why Would Anyone Care About My Life Story?

Why would anyone care about my life story? Our western culture, our educational system, our family systems, our working worlds — all conspire to make us critical thinkers. The best of those lessons provide discernment, good judgment, and choice. Conversely, it can...
The Gifts To Be Found in Untold Stories

The Gifts To Be Found in Untold Stories

A story untold hides itself from those who matter to us, and maybe even from aspects of our own self-perception. Through dialogue, when the listener is genuinely interested, our untold stories get the light of day and bring insight, connection, and, sometimes,...
Burnout and the Life Review

Burnout and the Life Review

“I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in the darkness the astonishing light of your own being.” – Hafiz Midlife brings insights derived from life experience, education, and working away at jobs that may or may not be fulfilling. At its best, midlife grants...